Your computer is an investment that you need to protect! Corsair Link gives you an immediate snapshot of system performance at any given moment. Take control of your computer's wellbeing by downloading Corsair Link and putting the power back in your hands. Corsair Link brings all your system monitoring tools together in one easy location and simplifies the process so that you can make adjustments and monitor your system's components in just a few easy clicks. Keeping your system maintained at proper levels is just as important as regularly servicing a car, and Corsair Link simplifies the process for you so that you can worry less and play more.
#Download corsair utility for mac download
What's more, Corsair Link is available as a completely free download for Windows. Monitors your system's electrical unit to ensure no problems arise there.Gives you more control in one easy location compared to using the motherboard BIOS.Create static, gradient, ripple, and wave patterns or stick to the classic lighting effects. The entire color spectrum is yours to command. Enables you to automatically adjust your system's temperature to a pre-set level Download the latest version of Corsair Utility Engine free.Allows you to monitor your system's components from one central command center.It will simply self adjust to whatever settings you have predetermined. Corsair Link can be programmed to adjust your system's temperature automatically, so you don't have to worry about your system overheating while you are away doing other things. Even more, once you know how your system's components are functioning you can easily make adjustments to get your system running at its optimum level. Corsair Link allows you to monitor your system's CPU fan, electrical system, and temperature all in one place. This is essential to keeping your system running at its optimum performance level and for your system's longevity.

Corsair Link gives you an immediate snapshot of how well your system's utilities are performing so that you can make adjustments and fine-tune your system to perform better and meet your needs.

Corsair Link is a very powerful tool that is used to monitor the performance of your system's many components.